In the world with wondrous advancement automobiles have been one of the most popular in the transformation industry list. Electric vehicles are an efficient and effective step towards the automobile sector.
Surprisingly electric vehicles ideas are not new to the world; it was long since 1832. Robert Anderson was the creator of the first ever electrical vehicle. Electric vehicles ended in the late 18th century, nearly 1870’s.
In 1994 the force electrical was invented as a three wheeler by an Indian company Scooter’s India Pvt Ltd and was named as Vikram Safa. It created a high in the market and around 400 vehicles were sold. Later in 2000 BHEL (Bharat heavy electrical limited) created an electric bus with the capacity of 18 people which gained popularity.
Today Tesla is winning the market with its exotic electric cars. The cars are the dream of everyone longing for aesthetic cars with exclusive features. The company manufactures and designs these cars themselves.
Electric Roadster hit the market being the force electric car manufactured by Tesla in 2008. In testing it covered up to 400 km in one charge. With a market value of $ 208.5 billion Tesla has expanded itself to the corners of the world and is continuing expanding.
Governments of various countries have initiated the step towards electric vehicles. India as well had set an ambition to go 100% electric by 2030. About vehicles talking about you vehicles let’s look into the advantages that we may obtain by converting a vehicles into electronic once Electronic vehicles do not extend to cars or bikes or scooters only they extend to tracks of different sizes, big tractors, trailers and many other vehicles.
One of the main reasons why the world wants to convert vehicles into electric vehicles is that they are climate friendly. Air pollution was already having a bad record and climate change disturbance added upon the fire.
Emissions coming from cars and other vehicles are bad for the planet, environment and species all over the world. They have an adverse impact on the health of elders and children especially. The gases emitted can cause asthma cancer premature deaths and bronchitis to important lives.
More electric cars can be of great help in the reduction of carbon footprint which will ultimately result in zero tailpipe emissions.
Talking about the price reasoning and maintenance cost of electric vehicles are comparatively less. Electricity is used to run these vehicles rather than fossil fuels like petrol and diesel. It can help in sustainable development for the future generation.
They are more eco-friendly by using renewable sources of energy. They are not required to have high maintenance costs since there aren’t many moving parts as an internal combustion vehicle has.
Coming to the point, electric vehicles are more and comparatively easy to drive. Traditional vehicles acquire an efficient mind to make the drive smooth and safe. It may also be a pain because it can be tiring to press the clutch brake and accelerator from time to time. Thus it will also help in reducing the number of accidents.
With having silent functioning capacity electric vehicles will reduce noise pollution in the environment. There is no engine in electric cars which means no noise pollution. It’s also an interesting thing because electronic vehicles seem to be so silent that manufacturers and designers add false sounds in them.
It is time consuming to stand and wait for your turn in the peak hours and attracts a lot of people to make long queues sometimes. The case is even worse in CNG cars because they always have plenty of people lined up waiting for their turn.
Therefore electric vehicles are more convenient because you can get them charged at your home. Since the 21st century every household has had an electric supply. Simply plugging the vehicles at your home for 45 hours before you plan to go will make your journey smoother and efficient.
There are many schemes which will provide you with the grants if you switch to electric cars. The Indian government also offers schemes to persuade the residents to switch to electric vehicles.
Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of hybrid and Electric (FAME) vehicles is recently India’s scheme for the encouragement of electric vehicles mobility.
Not only this free parking and free charging over lifetime is also a beneficial factor for heading towards electric cars. With this there are enormous benefits and advantages of electric cars over traditional patrolling cars.
Extending towards the future of electric vehicles, they will change the scenery of both environment and technology in the coming years.
Norway is the country with the highest number of electric cars in the world. There are 18.9 people in every electric car hence increasing the new car sales percentage up to 75% plug-in electric vehicles in 2020. Extending the list of the countries with the highest share of electric vehicles in new car sales in 2020, Iceland with 45% stands on the second position. Sweden comprises 32.2% while Netherlands holds 32.2% and Finland 18.1%.
The United States of America may not stand in the list but the electric vehicle sales have increased by more than 40% a year since 2016 in the country. In India in 2020 there has been a sharp increase in the sales of two wheelers by 21%. And this sales for electric vehicle buses for 2020 have increased by 50%. Surprisingly the market for electric vehicle cars remained stagnant even decreasing the registration by 5%.
In the summing up, electric vehicles are the future of the world automobile sector. They enjoy exclusive benefits over conventional fuel cars. Climate change has affected the environment adversely resulting in great effects on the health of people all over the world.
It will minimize the extraction of fossil fuels and dependency of any country to the another for petrol and diesel. This will also promote the use of solar panel at home and over the society to some extent which will lead to sustained development and advancement of the world.